The Papermill

This paper mill closed in 2003 and I started work on this piece just following my Bethlehem Steel body of work in 2006. Despite a good deal of industrial pollution (that later qualified this site for Superfund status) nature was already reclaiming this site. I witnessed a large colony of turkey vultures living in the powerhouse. I saw a gray fox stalking wild turkeys in the vacant lot outside. The property had become overgrown, and vines were beginning to work their way into the masonry of the buildings.

Like all of these sorts of places, time seemed to me to be the main theme; the primary force at work. So time is the plot, time was the budget (I spent more time than money).  I even gave time the leading role... and as usual, it gave a commanding performance.

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Gaynor Morrison05/30/2012
Very moving. I felt several emotions while watching this piece. Kept wondering what the Paper Mill must have been like in its glory. Your work is amazing!
Your work is superb. These places are part of all of us.